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Inside Out Smile

Feb 21, 2023

If you would like to know more about dear little Cocoa Bean (RIP), find him and his family on Instagram @thepoodlegang. 

If you are an aminal lover, please make a donation to a charity of your choice.

Thank you for tuning in.



Feb 14, 2023

Thank you for tuning in. 

Please donate anything you can:

Watch Daniel Craig expressing his concern with a link to donates; 

Here are some links for immediate relief donations:

I- AFAD: Turkey's Official Disaster and Emergency Management Authority

- AKUT: Research...

Feb 7, 2023

Kindness is wonderful and long-lasting.

Remember, we are all here together, sharing this beautiful planet. 



If you can, please help those who are suffering in the aftermath of the recent earthquake in Turkey/Syria with anything you can afford.  

Donate to your favourite charity or try these links below: